金沙1991ccAPP - 1991金沙cc官方

JSTI|New operation with the water sector in Giurgiu County, Romania

The Romanian water operator, APA SERVICE SA Giurgiu, awarded EPTISA a new EU-funded contract to be implemented over a period of 80 months in Giurgiu County. EPTISA will implement this project over a period of 80 months.

The contract involves the preparation of the financing application and of the Tender Dossiers for the Regional Project regarding the development of the water and wastewater infrastructure in Giurgiu County.
The general objectives of this technical assistance contract consists of developing the technical and economic documentation necessary to continue financing the local strategy for the development of the water and wastewater sector in Giurgiu County. This will allow achieving the targets assumed by Romania through the Treaty of Accession to the European Union, ensuring effective project management and proper supervision all works contracts.