金沙1991ccAPP - 1991金沙cc官方

Consulting service for the development of the Traffic Accident Data Management System (RADMS)


Last July, the Consultancy Service for the development of the Traffic Accident Data Management System (RADMS) was launched. Mrs. Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport and Logistics of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, in whose opening speech she highlighted the utmost relevance and national strategic nature of this project, attended the protocol ceremony for the start of work in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia ).
In general, the objective of this consulting service, for an amount of $935,481.38 and a period of 12 months, is to carry out a comparison of accident data at a national level, digitizing paper accident records and mapping the accident locations based on available geographic data for the last six years. In addition, this consulting service will also help implement the RADMS at the national level to collate accident data and train Ministry of Transport (MoT) staff members, stakeholders and experts to maintain the database. of accidents updated in a sustainable way.
The specific objectives pursued by this Consulting Service are
  • Collect and collate accident records from federal and regional police administrations for approximately 7,000 km of the Ethiopian road network (expected to be approximately 90,000 paper accident records).
  • Digitization of accident records in database format in the RAD.
  • Mapping of these accident records on an ArcGIS platform.
  • Analyze accident data using a statistical tool and simulation software and perform basic analysis by adopting simple statistical inferences to understand the type of cause and effect of scenarios related to traffic accidents.
  • Ayudar a desarrollar un sistema de notificación centralizado (CRS) entre la NRSCO, las oficinas federales y regionales de seguridad vial y las oficinas regionales de policía en toda Etiopía.
  • Mejorar la capacidad técnica proporcionando formación a la policía y al personal relacionado con la seguridad vial para registrar los datos de los accidentes en formato digital con la ayuda de tablas, con el fin de recopilar y registrar los datos de los accidentes en tiempo real basados en el SIG y enviarlos a la base de datos del NRSC en el futuro.